General Prerequisites
For the succesful and effective attendance of the course, a good knowledge of general chemistry is required and in particular good understanding of terms such as molecule, atoms, moles, Avogadro constant etc., as well as familiarity in calculations using those temrs. Ιn addition, it would be very helpful to the stutdents whether they could possess falimiarity with terms such chemical equilibrium and mass action law, thermally activated processes and Arrhenius kinetics, as well as the laws of Fick for diffusion and the meaning of the diffusion coefficient.
Learning Outcomes
The basic understanding of the ideal and real structure of crystalline inorganic materials (metals, ceramics, alloys, solid solutions etc.) and their morphological characteristics of the microstructure (Materials Science and Technology I) so that the relation between structure and macroscopic properties or behaviour (Materials Science and Technology II) can be funadametnally understood.
Final goal is on one hand the ability of choice of the proper material for a certain application, on the other hand the ability to define interference pathways into a materials structure and microstructure in order to tailor its behaviour towards the desired direction (design).
Course Content (Syllabus)
Chapter 1: Introduction
General overview of the materials and their properties. Content and goals of the "Science and Materials Technology"
Chapter 2: Overview of Atomic Structure - Interatomic Bonding
Atomic models-Electronic structure of the atoms-The periodic table-Types of interatomic bonding-Relations between type of bonding and macroscopic physical properties of materials.
Chapter 3: The structure of crystalline metals
Planar atomic attangements-The SC, BCC, FCC and HCP structures-Crystal systems-Theoretical densities
Chapter 4: Characteristic parameters of crystal lattices
Point coordinates-Crystallographic directions-Linear densities-Miller indices-Planar densities-X ray diffraction
Chapter 5: Intestitital positions
Cubic, tetrahedally and octahedrally coordinated intestitital sites in the basic structures SC, BCC, FCC, HCP
Chapter 6: Solid solutions in metals-Alloys
Interstitial and substitutional solid solutions in metals with parallel introduction of the concept of extrinsic point defects-Calculations in solid solutions and alloys
Chapter 7: The structure of important non metallic materials
The crystal structures of basic compounds i.e. oxides (sodium chlorite, wurzite, fluorite etc.), the preovskite, spinel and glass structure etc.
Chapter 8: Solid solution of isovalent substitution
Quantitative approxiamtion of crystalline substitutional solid solutions in compounds in the case of isovalent substitution (no charge excess or deficiency).
Chapter 9: Intrinsic point defects
Quantitative approximation of the processes that lead to the development of Schottky and Frenkel point defects in metals and compounds
Chapter 10: Extrinsic point defects
Quantitative approximation of the processes that lead to the development of extrinsic point defects-Kroger Vink notation-Solid solutions with allovalent substitution
Chapter 11: Other defects in solids
Linear, surface, intefacial or volume defects in solids
Chapter 12: Morphological issues in materials
Polycrystalline materials, powders, porosity, relative densities and specific surface area
Chapter 13: Phase Diagrams
Study of phase diagrams of metallic or ceramic systems including microstructure development characteristics. Special attention is being paid to the Iron-Carbon phase diagram due to its technological importance.
Chapter 14: Phase Transformations
Basic phase transformation mechanisms in metals and in Iron-Carbon alloys. Isothermal cooling and continuous cooling diagrams in Carbon-Iron systems.
crystal structure, crystallography, defects in crystal structure, metals, compounds, alloys, solid solutions, phase diagrams, phase transformations, Iron-Carbon phase diagram
Teaching is supported by the projection of electronic transparencies (powerpoint).
During the lessons, use is being made of specially designed educational sites (i.e. educational video clips with three dimensional structures etc.) that are available for this purpose. All course lectures are also available in video and occasionally may provided, via teleconference, to students that had reasons not to attend.
Supporting material (notes, special topics,questions for deeper understanding etc.) is provided electronically to the studetns through the course site ( The same holds for any kind of announcements concerning the course. In addition all students may have electronic access to all previous final or intermediate examination subjects, solved with detailed explanations.
Additional bibliography for study
William D. Callister, Jr. "Επιστήμη και Τεχνολογία των Υλικών",
ISBN: 978-960-8050-90-1, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα
Michael Ashby, Hugh Shercliff, David Cebon, "Υλικά: Μηχανική, Επιστήμη, Επεξεργασία και Σχεδιασμός"
ISBN: 978-960-461-449-3, Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος