Materials Science and Technology II

Course Information
TitleΕπιστήμη και Τεχνολογία Υλικών ΙΙ / Materials Science and Technology II
SchoolChemical Engineering
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Teaching PeriodSpring
Course ID20000840

Programme of Study: PPS Tmīmatos CΗīmikṓn Mīchanikṓn (2021-sīmera)

Registered students: 0
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
KORMOSCompulsory Course636

Class Information
Academic Year2017 – 2018
Class PeriodSpring
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours5
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Scientific Area
Course Type 2011-2015
Specific Foundation / Core
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Digital Course Content
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
  • English (Examination)
General Prerequisites
For the effective and successful attendance of the course the basic knowledge provided by the course "Materials Science and Technology I" is required
Learning Outcomes
The basic understanding of the ideal and real structure of crystalline inorganic materials (metals, ceramics, alloys, solid solutions etc.) and their morphological characteristics of the microstructure (Materials Science and Technology I) so that the relation between structure and macroscopic properties or behaviour (Materials Science and Technology II) can be funadametnally understood. Final goal is on one hand the ability of choice of the proper material for a certain application, on the other hand the ability to define interference pathways into a materials structure and microstructure in order to tailor its behaviour towards the desired direction (design).
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Make decisions
  • Work autonomously
  • Be critical and self-critical
Course Content (Syllabus)
Chapt. 15: Diffusion Macroscopic and microscopic approach of steady state or non-steady state diffusion processes. Relation between the diffusion coefficient and the diffusion mechanism or the crystal structure and morphology of materials. Chapt. 16: Mechanical properties of materials Definitions and comlete analysis of the stress-strain curves of metals and ceramics. Hardness of materials Chapt. 17: Understanding of the mechanical behavior of materials Fundamental processes and relations between the macroscopic mechanical behavior with the microstructure of materials-technologies for the strengthening of materials-mechanical properties of non-equilibrium alloys in the Fe-C system. Chapt. 18: Electrical properties of materials The electrical properties of materials (metals, semiconductors, insulators) in relation to their microstructure-band theory, dopants in semiconductors, extrinsic semiconductivity in oxides. Chapt.19: Magnetic properties of materials Origin of magnetism in materials-classification of materials according to their magnetic behaviour, relation between magnetic behaviour and microstructure-modern applications of magnetic materials. Chapt. 20: Dielectric behavior of solids Macroscopic and microscopic approach of the dielectric behavior of materials. Polarization mechanisms and their dependency on the structure of the materials. Multiphase dielectric materials Chapt. 21: Thermal properties of materials The thermal conductivity, the linear expansion coefficient and the thermal capacity of materials-relation with the material type and microstructure and applications in material selection and design issues. Chapt. 22: Optical properties of solids Basic interaction between optical elecromagnetic radiation and matter and their relation with the crystal structure and the morphology and microstructure of solids. Chapt. 23: Strengthening of solids Common technologies and mechanisms for the strengthening of metals and ceramics (i.e. dopant additions, cold working, microstructure optimization). Mechanical properties of equilibrium and non-equilibrium materials in the Iron-Carbon system. Chapt. 24: Materials in modern devices and systems Principles of modern applications based on the properties of materials discussed in previous chapters (i.e. diodes, digital information storage, photovoltaics, fuel cells, batteries, sensors, optical fibers, redox material behavior in chemical processes of energetic or environmental importance.
behaviour and properties of materials, phase diagrams and transformations, mechanical properties, electric properties, thermal properties, magnetic properties
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
  • Video lectures
  • Multimedia
  • Interactive excersises
  • Book
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
Teaching is supported by the projection of electronic transparencies (powerpoint). During the lessons, use is being made of specially designed educational sites (i.e. educational video clips with three dimensional structures etc.) that are available for this purpose. All course lectures are also available in video and occasionally may provided, via teleconference, to students that had reasons not to attend. Supporting material (notes, special topics,questions for deeper understanding etc.) is provided electronically to the students through the course site ( The same holds for any kind of announcements concerning the course. In addition all students may have electronic access to all previous final or intermediate examination subjects, solved with detailed explanations.
Course Organization
Reading Assigment24
Written assigments54
Student Assessment
There is an optional intermediate examination in Chapters 14, 15, 16A,B with contribution coefficient of 30% to the final mark. This is subsequently followed by the final written examination at the end of the semester.
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Exam with Multiple Choice Questions (Formative, Summative)
  • Written Exam with Problem Solving (Summative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
B. Zασπάλης,"Επιστήμη & Τεχνολογία Υλικών, Τόμος Β: Ιδιότητες & Συμπεριφορά Ανόργανων Στερεών", ISBN 978-960-418-484-2, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα
Additional bibliography for study
Michael Ashby, Hugh Shercliff, David Cebon, "Υλικά: Μηχανική, Επιστήμη, Επεξεργασία και Σχεδιασμός" ISBN: 978-960-461-449-3, Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος William D. Callister, Jr. "Επιστήμη και Τεχνολογία των Υλικών", ISBN: 978-960-8050-90-1, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα
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