Learning Outcomes
1) Knowledge and methematical description of molecular transport mechanisms
2) Knowledge and methematical description of mass, energy and miomentum conservation principles
3) Mathematical description of fundamental phenomena and processes in chemical engineering
4) Solution of simple problems of fluid flow and energy and mass transport
Course Content (Syllabus)
General introduction to Transport Phenomena. Molecular mechanisms of heat, mass and momentum transport. Prediction of molecular transport coefficients based on kinetic theory. Molecular transport fluxes in three dimensions. Fluxes and the general property balance. Convective transport fluxes. Derivation of conservation equations for heat and mass transport in differential form. Fluid statics and derivation of momentum conservation equations in differential form. Overview of transport equations and boundary conditions. Set-up and solution of simple transport problems of heat, mass and momentum in one dimension. Introduction to the concepts of boundary layer theory. Introduction to the concepts of turbulent flow. The Reynolds equations. Phenomenological theories for eddy diffusivity of momentum, heat and mass. Turbulent flow in pipes.
mass, energy and momentum fluxes and balances, fluid flow, heat and mass transport problems
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Brodkey and Hershey, "Transport phenomena"
Bird,Stewart, Lightfoot, Klingenberg, "Introduction to Trabsport Phenomena"