Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students:
-Know the terms in English related to tillage, drainage and irrigation, fertilizers, beef cattle, diary cattle and food processing.
-Have been acquainted with the form and structure of abstracts and European Union regulations.
-Know the theory and language forms in order to present their studies, skills and qualifications.
-Have presented their profiles twice in class.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course expands further the range of vocabulary presented to the students through texts related to tillage, drainage and irrigation, fertilizers, beef cattle, diary cattle and food processing. Moreover students are acquainted with the form and structure of abstracts and European Union regulations. Furthermore, the course includes ‘self’ presentations basics; namely highlighting one’s studies, skills and qualifications in order to present oneself in international educational or business contexts. (the latter applies only for students who opted for this.