Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Learning the basic structures of Concepts of Combinatorial Analysis and Matrix Algebra.
2. Learning the basic structures of agricultural economics functions and results of marginal analysis.
3. Learning the basic structures of Multivariable functions and systems of equations in agricultural economics.
4. Learning the basic structures of Techniques and methods of operational research (mathematical programming, transport problems, inventory control/management, etc.).
Course Content (Syllabus)
Concepts of Combinatorial Analysis and Matrix Algebra. Study of agricultural economics functions and results of marginal analysis. Multivariable functions and systems of equations in agricultural economics. Techniques and methods of Οperational research (Μathematical programming, Τransportation problem, Inventory control/management, Game theory etc.).
Combinatorial Analysis, Matrix Algebra. Agricultural economics functions, Marginal analysis, Systems of equations in agricultural economics, Operational research