Course Information
SchoolHistory and Archaeology
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate, 2nd / Postgraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter/Spring
Course ID280004592

Class Information
Academic Year2017 – 2018
Class PeriodWinter
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Scientific Area
Course Type 2011-2015
Specific Foundation / Core
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
  • English (Examination)
General Prerequisites
Successful attendance of ACL 101: Introduction to Greek Classical Archaeology and HAN 101: Introduction to Ancient Greek History is recommended.
Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing the course, the students will have acquired a general knowledge of ancient Greek numismatics, in particular the changes marked by the invention of coinage in relation to the practices of the pre-monetary period, the raw material and the coin production techniques, the evolution of coinage from the Archaic to the Hellenistic period as well as the role of coins in the economies and societies of the ancient Greek world. Furthermore, they will be able to use coins as a source of information for the study and interpretation of economy, society, ideology, religion and art of their time.
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Work autonomously
  • Work in teams
  • Appreciate diversity and multiculturality
  • Be critical and self-critical
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
Coins, due to their advantages compared to other types of artifacts from the past –issued by official authorities, produced in large quantities, made of durable materials, bearing images and legends- provide a wealth of information for the study and interpretation of economy, society, ideology, religion and art of their time. The course examines the changes marked by the invention of coinage in relation to the practices of the pre-monetary period, the raw material and the coin production techniques, the evolution of coinage from the Archaic to the Hellenistic period as well as the role of coins in the economies and societies of the ancient Greek world. Week 1: What is a coin? The development of Numismatics from the Renaissance to the digital era. Numismatic terminology. Week 2: Money before coinage. The invention of coin. Week 3: Minting: the sources of metal, the mint, the size of the issues, reasons for striking coins. Week 4: The development of coinage during the Archaic period: mainland and insular Greece. Week 5: The development of coinage during the Archaic period: Italy and Sicily. Week 6: The coinage of Athens (6th-4th century BC). Week 7: Coinages of mainland Greece during the classical period. Week 8: Coinage in the Persian Empire. Week 9: The coinages of Philip II and Alexander III. Week 10: The coinages of the Diadochi. Week 11: Coinages of Hellenistic monarchies, cities and koina. Week 12: The Hellenistic world and Rome. Week 13: Ancient Greek myths and coinage.
numismatics, coin, coinage, mint, hoard, circulation, economy, ancient Greek world
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
  • Book
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
Course Organization
Student Assessment
Oral exams: 100% The aim of the examination is to establish whether the student knows and comprehends information by commenting on images (coins, drawings etc.) and forming opinions. For this reason, attendance –though not compulsory- is considered necessary.
Student Assessment methods
  • Oral Exams (Summative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Howgego, C. Η αρχαία ιστορία μέσα από τα νομίσματα. Μετάφραση: Μ. Ζαχαριάδου. Αθήνα, 2009. [Τίτλος πρωτοτύπου: Ancient History from Coins. London / New York, 1995].
Additional bibliography for study
Carradice, I. – Price, M.J. Coinage in the Greek World. London, 1988. Franke, P.R. – Hirmer, M. Die griechischen Münzen. Münich, 1964. Jenkins, G.K. Ancient Greek Coins. London 1990. Kraay, C.M. Archaic and Classical Greek Coins. Berkeley / London, 1976. Kraay, C.M. – Hirmer, M. Greek Coins. London / New York, 1966. Mørkholm, O. Early Hellenistic Coinage. Cambridge, 1991. Nicolet-Pierre, H. Numismatique grecque. Paris, 2002. Rebuffat, F. La monnaie dans l’antiquité. Paris, 1996. Seltman, C.T. Greek Coins. London, 1955. Σταμπολίδης, Ν. Χρ. – Τσαγκάρη, Δ. – Τασούλας, Γ. (επιμ.). Χρήμα. Σύμβολα απτά στην αρχαία Ελλάδα. Αθήνα 2017.Τσαγκάρη, Δ. (επιμ.). Μύθος και Νόμισμα. Παραστάσεις, συμβολισμοί και ερμηνείες από την ελληνική μυθολογία. Αθήνα,2011. Τσαγκάρη, Δ. (επιμ.). Μύθος και Νόμισμα. Παραστάσεις, συμβολισμοί και ερμηνείες από την ελληνική μυθολογία. Αθήνα, 2011. Williams, J. (επιμ.). Χρήμα. Ιστορία. Μετάφραση: Μ. Κιτρόεφ – Α. Τζαμαλής. Αθήνα, 1997. [Τίτλος πρωτοτύπου: Money. A History. London 1997].
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