Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course students will be able
-To examine Modern Greek Poetry of this period in its engagement with aesthetic, cultural, political and social questions of the era.
-To formulate the key principles of movements and articulate the differences between them.
-To determine approaches and organize intensive readings in texts chosen to represent the period.
-To collect and arrange appropriate research data in evaluating their significance for assignment planning.
-To develop skills in the close examination of texts and in making thematic and formal connections between them.
-To appreciate the use of technology and operate it effectively in the delivery of instruction, assessment and professional development.
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course provides an introduction to Modern Greek Poetry from 1914 to the present. The central aim is an initial presentation and approach to the work of major poets who lived and made their first appearance during this period. Each teaching unit consists in studying poets and their texts, emphasizing matters of form while contextualizing them in the historical framework of Modern Greece. This way, students will be able to get the overall picture of the period’s poetic production in relation to the social, political, cultural context that fostered the life and work of the poets as well as literary institutions such as generations, schools, trends, movements, literary magazines.
Modern Greek Poetry, 20th-21st centuries, movements, avant-garde, history of ideas
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1) Η ελληνική ποίηση, τ. Γ΄: Η ανανεωμένη παράδοση, επιμ. Κ. Στεργιόπουλος, Σοκόλης, Αθήνα 2000.
2) Η ελληνική ποίηση,τ. Δ΄: Νεωτερικοί ποιητές του Μεσοπολέμου, επιμ. Α. Αργυρίου, Σοκόλης, Αθήνα 2000.
3) Η ελληνική ποίηση του 20ού αιώνα. Μια συγχρονική ανθολογία, επιμ.-ανθ. Ε. Γαραντούδης, Μεταίχμιο, Αθήνα 2008.
4) Εισαγωγή στην ποίηση του Σεφέρη. Επιλογή κριτικών κειμένων, επιμ. Δ. Δασκαλόπουλος, ΙΤΕ/ ΠΕΚ, Ηράκλειο 2009.