Learning Outcomes
The Students will be able to approach literary texts (or major works in Painting and Music) according a new sensibility in european Art that, since Renaissance, upsets the current modus vivendi and the mentality about Death.
- To combine Themes, Motives, Trends of greek literary texts in juxtaposition with (mainly) european aethetic schools.
- To be well informed about recent bibliographical data in the examined area so as to can further develop their skills in an autonomous scientific Research.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Crossing philosophical, theological or aesthetic approaches, the discourse of Melancholy he artist
Crossing philosophical, theological or aesthetic approaches, the discourse of Melancholy filters the sensibility in Arts and creates a new era since Renaissance in Literature, Painting, Music, totally diffrent from the Past. Melancoly is viewed as an excess of black bile, a mental or psychical disease, covered under several names such as Acedia, Spleen, Athymia, Depression, shaping in a great degree new artistic forms and major literary or theoretical texts.
spleen, acedia, depression, sensibility
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Αλεξάνδρα Ρασιδάκη, Περί μελαγχολίας (στη θεωρία, τη λογοτεχνία, την τέχνη). Aθήνα, Κίχλη, 2012