Learning Outcomes
Beginning of level II. Intermediate
To be able to read, write, to make small and complex sentences, to enrich their knowledge and understanding of Grammar and Syntax.
Εντατική Εκμάθηση της αραβικής Γλώσσας, 2ου επιπέδου. Γραφή, ανάγνωση, γραμματική,
δημιουργία σύνθετων προτάσεων, κατανόηση και χρήση θεολογικών όρων σε αραβική γλώσσα.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Intensive Learning of Arabic Language, beginning of 2nd level. Writing, Reading, Grammar,
creating complex proposals, understanding and using theological terms in Arabic
Arabic, vocabulary, grammar, syntax, theological terms
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Schulz Eckehard, Krahl Gunther, Reuschel Wolfgang, Standard Arabic. An Elementary-Intermediate Course, Cambridge University Press, 2000 (ISBN 9780521774659)