Learning Outcomes
The course focuses on hygienic and environmental factors impacting human health. Sources of these factors, methods of identification, recognition, evaluation and regulatory framework are discussed. Factors might include health hazards associated with contaminated water, food, air, vectors of disease, exposure to toxic chemicals and safety in the workplace.
Specifically for each lecture, the objectives are described below:
What is Energy balance and calories intake, which person is considered overweight, obese, what is Body-mass index? What are carbohydrates, Dietary fats (lipids), proteins, vitamins, minerals?
2.Principles of Dietary Assesment
The student will learn to use nutrition knowledge to evaluate nutrition claims and advice.
3.Food Hygiene
Which is the significance of Food hygiene? what is foodborne illness, foodborne infections versus intoxications, a.k.a. poisoning. Food delivery, food storage, food preparation. Which are the common types of pathogenic bacteria?
4.Epidemic explosion
The student will learn the difference between epidemics from a common source and epidemic infectious diseases. How we investigate and control epidemic explosion?
5.Food safety
The student will learn about chemical pollutants and toxins, food additives, environmental and agricultural chemicals, prions and. What is hazard analysis and Critical Control Point system?
6.Emerging Environmental microorganisms and infections
Which bacterial agents, protozoans, viruses belong to the above group?
7.Water Hygiene
What is the importance of water? The student will learn about the microbiological quality,physical and chemical quality, microbiological examination of water quality, disinfection and water chlorination.
8.Domestic and industrial wastes and pollutants
9.Air pollution
The student will learn about the atmosphere: chemical composition, pressure, sun radiation, humidity/temperature. Sources of air-pollution: mobile sources, air toxic sources, gaseous pollutants. Which is the effect of air pollution on human health?
10.Global environmental Issues.
The student will learn about the effects of human population growth and urbanization, global warming, ozone shield depletion, tropical deforestation, drought and desertification, sustainable development.
11.Indoor air pollution and hygiene.
Which are the risk factors? Which are the sources and concentrations of indoor air-pollution (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, microorganisms, formaldehyde)?
12.Natural disasters
Learn the Nature of disaster: general characteristics and public health effects. Surveillance and epidemiology, communicable diseases and disease control.
13.Travel medicine
learn the potential problems associated with travel. Pre-travel consultation, insect protection, principles of immunization.
Which is the Epidemiology, aetiology and prevention?
15.Travel Medicine: Hepatitis A and B.
16.Industrial Hygiene
Student will learn about industrial noise, ionizing radiation, gases, vapors and solvents, ergonomics. Evaluate the hazards and learn how to control them: ventilation, respiratory protection.
17.Current topics of Occupational Medicine
What is the "Bournout syndrome"? How we control workplace health hazards?
18.Hospital Epidemiology and Infection control
What are the causes and determinants of hospital-acquired infection?How do we organize an infection control programme? Who is responsible for the surveillance of hospital acquired infections? What do the procedures of cleaning/desinfection/decontamination include?
Course Content (Syllabus)
Lectures and seminars:
2.Principles of Dietary Assesment
3.Food Hygiene
4.Epidemic explosion
5.Food safety
6.Emerging Environmental microorganisms and Infections
7.Water Hygiene
8.Domestic and Industrial wastes and Pollutants
9.Air Pollution
10. Global Environmental Issues
11.Indoor air pollution and hygiene
12.Natural Disasters
13.Travel Medicine
15.Travel Medicine: Hepatitis A and B
16.Industrial Hygiene
17.Current topics of Occupational Hygiene
18.Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control