Learning Outcomes
Determination of the land and water area of ports based on guidelines and analytical models, Design and dimensioning of external and internal port components based on guidelines and analytical equations, Construction methods of the port components based on best practices.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Categories and components of ports. Evolution of ports in time and modern specialization trends. Criteria for ports’ development. Design stages and relevant considerations. Ports’ hydraulics. Elements of port navigation. External (protection) port structures: Types and design principles, rubble mound structures (description, dimensioning, armor layer, materials and construction methods), vertical front structures (description, construction methods and loads calculation). Internal port structures: Types, dimensioning, construction methods and materials, gravity-type quay walls, quay walls of thin cross section (e.g. sheet pile quay walls), open quay walls on piles and pillars. Onshore facilities. Mechanical equipment. Dredging techniques. Optimization in the design and operation of quay walls (principles and application of simulation technique).
Ports, Breakwaters, Quay walls, Design, Dimensioning, Construction methods, Materials, Ship berthing