Learning Outcomes
• Understanding the principles of continuum and discontinuum mechanics
• Learning the principle Rock failure criteria
• Understanding the use of numerical methods for the analysis of discontinuum medium
• Learning techniques to improve the engineering properties of rock mass and how to stabilize it
• Learn how to specify and dimension the remedial measures
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction to rock mechanics. Rock materials - structural discontinuities – rock mass. Importance of discontinuities on mechanical behaviour of rock masses. Principles of continuum mechanics. Stresses and strain on plane and in space (tensors, transformations). Hooke’s law. Natural stress state and in-situ measurement techniques. Mechanical behaviour of isotropic and anisotropic rock materials. Rock failure criteria (Tresca, Von Mises, Coulomb, Griffith). Laboratory tests. Anisotropy of rock masses. Introduction to discontinuum mechanics. Engineering characterisation of discontinuities. Shear strength and stiffness behaviour. Shear strength criteria. Deformability and strength of rock masses: in-situ tests, scale effects, empirical models, computational methods. Hydraulic behaviour of rock masses – hydro-mechanical coupling. Design parameters in rock engineering design. Numerical analysis of the discontinuum based on the Distinct Element method. Improvement of engineering properties and stabilization of rock masses: grouting, bolts and anchors, shotcrete, drainage. Dimensioning and specification of remedial measures, construction quality control.
Rock Mechanics, Continuum and discontinuum medium, Rock failure criteria, Joint shear behavior, Numerical analyses