Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction, air masses, fronts, cyclone, anticyclone, trough, ridge, synthesis and analysis of weather charts (surface and upper air).
Streamlines, trajectories, geostrophic wind, gradient wind, divergence/convergence, thermal wind and temperature advection, vorticity and vorticity advection.
Vertical wind, quasi-geostrophic Omega equation, Sutcliffe form, vertical wind associated with synoptic systems (cyclones, jet-streams).
Barotropic and baroclinic atmosphere, barotropic and baroclinic instability, energy diagram of Lorenz.
Potential vorticity, potential vorticity and diabatic processes, isentropic analysis, principles of potential vorticity, distribution of potential vorticity, applications, dynamic tropopause and dynamic anomalies of the tropopause.
Cyclogenesis, explosive cyclogenesis, types of cyclogenesis, self-development, cases studies of explosive cyclogenesis.
Analysis of international scientific literature on: a) cyclone models (Norwegian model, Shapiro-Keyser model), b) jet-streams (subtropical jet, African Easterly Jet), c) explosive cyclogenesis, d) Mediterranean cyclones with characteristics of tropical cyclones (Medicanes), e) fronogenesis and f) African Easterly Waves.
Weather systems, vorticity, convergece, divergence, thermal wind, vertical wind, barotropic/baroclinic instability, potential vorticity