Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Gross Anatomy and its branches-Introduction
2. Topographic anatomy of head-brain
3. Topographic anatomy of neck
4. Topographic anatomy of thorax
5. Topographic anatomy of back-spinal cord
6. Topographic anatomy of upper limb
7. Topographic anatomy of upper abdomen
8. Topographic anatomy of lower abdomen
9. Topographic anatomy of pre- and retro-peritoneal space
10. Topographic anatomy of pelvis-perineum
11. Topographic anatomy of lower limb
12. Methodology of research
13. Methodology and technique of writing scientific papers
anatomy, topography, head, neck, torso, limbs, technique of writing scientific papers. research methodology
Additional bibliography for study
1. Skandalakis JE:Surgical Anatomy,vol. 2, Paschalidis Medical Publications, Athens, 2004
2.Moore K., Dalley AF.:Clinically oriented Anatomy, 4th edition,Lippincott publ.,Philadelphia,1999
3.Thiel W.:Χειρουργική Ανατομική,επιμ.:Γ.Παρασκευάς, Π.Τσικάρας.εκδ. Παρισιάνου,Αθήνα,2008
4.Williams PL(ed):Gray’s Anatomy,38th edition,Churc. Livingstone,Edinburgh,1995
5.Μac Vay CB:Surgical Anatomy,6th edition,WB Saunders, Philadelphia,1984