Political Science Methodology

Course Information
TitleΜεθοδολογία των Πολιτικών Επιστημών / Political Science Methodology
FacultySocial and Economic Sciences
SchoolPolitical Sciences
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Teaching PeriodSpring
CoordinatorYannis Stavrakakis
Course ID100001771

Class Information
Academic Year2017 – 2018
Class PeriodSpring
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Background
  • General Knowledge
Course Type 2011-2015
General Foundation
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete this course acquire knowledge, abilities and skills associated with levels 7 and 8. The course is divided into two parts, a first introductory part which is common for students from all orientations of the postgraduate degree and a more extensive part in which students are divided into separate groups depending on their speciaiization. Specifically, in the latter section students learn to use advanced methodological tools which have numerous applications in their chosen field of study. In particular, by completing successfully this course, students will have acquired the following skills and capabilities: To be in a position to design a research project adopting a qualitative, quantitative or historical methodological orientation. To be capable of searching, evaluating and documenting sources. To be able to organize a socio- scientific research project (survey, interviews, conclusions, etc.). To be in a position to handle complex concepts and categories, aiming at the understanding, assessment and synthesis of theoretical arguments. To be capable of studying an organization and of recognising its current characteristics and future possibilities. To be able to comprehend the key elements of an empirical/conceptual research and to evaluate the findings that result from data analysis and/or theoretical reasoning.
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Work in teams
  • Work in an interdisciplinary team
  • Generate new research ideas
  • Be critical and self-critical
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
The “Political Science Methodology” course is addressed to the incoming students of all orientations in the Postgraduate Programme of Study of the School of Political Sciences and aims at their familiarization with research methods that will be useful in their study period, most notably during the writing-up of their course essays and the completion of their MA dissertation. The first part of the course is common for all orientations and attempts to concisely discuss basic issues of epistemology of the social sciences and to present in a comprehensive manner the basic methods of quantitative, qualitative and historical research. It, also, includes a seminar focusing on the subject of academic writing and its prerequisites. Thus, the coverage of an important range of methodological problematics in the social sciences is achieved. Furthermore, the students of each orientation meet the challenges and methodological aspects of the other orientations in a bid to acquire sufficient background knowledge of the field of political research as a whole. Consequently, the students are separated in three groups, depending on the orientation in which they have been enrolled, and examine specific issues of the methods each specialization summons. SPECIFIC PROBLEMATICS Political Analysis and Governance Delphi. Internet research: advantages and disadvantages of using the internet for conducting political research, the usage of open software for doing political internet research, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, nonlinear regression, etc. Analysis with more than two variables (cluster analysis, multiple correspondence analysis, etc.). Political Theory and Philosophy Truth and knowledge, objectivity and social construction of reality, analysis and theory, explanation and interpretation, paradoxes of causality. Specific methodological issues (qualitative methods): historical framing, the turn towards meaning, the “linguistic turn”, the significance of emotions, conscious and unconscious processes. Implementation issues: meaning and structure of the philosophical argument, formulation of concepts and theoretical models, handling of the bibliography and the research material, academic discourse and text composition Political History and Strategic Studies Tracing and utilising sources in historical research: What is a source? Source distinction into primary and secondary. Types of sources (written documentations, oral testimonies, other sources). Methods for processing and analyzing the sources. What is an Archive? Issues of interpreting the sources, the relation of the researcher with his/hers sources: positivism, the hermeneutic approach, post- modernism.
research, method, qualitative, quantitative, historical
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
  • Use of ICT in Student Assessment
Course Organization
Reading Assigment1555.6
Written assigments812.9
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Assignment (Summative)
  • Written Exam with Problem Solving (Formative, Summative)
Additional bibliography for study
Ποιοτικές μέθοδοι Berg, B.L. (2001) Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences, Βοστώνη: Allyn& Bacon. Bogner, A., Littig, B. & Menz, W. (2009) ‘Introduction: Expert Interviews – An Introduction to a New Methodological Debate’, στοBogner, A., Littig, B. &Menz, W. (επιμ.) Interviewing Experts, Χάμπσαιρ: Palgrave Macmillan. Bogner, A. & Menz, W. (2009) ‘The Theory-Generating Expert Interview: Epistemological Interest, Forms of Knowledge, Interaction’, στοBogner, A., Littig, B. &Menz, W. (επιμ.) Interviewing Experts, Χάμπσαιρ: Palgrave Macmillan. Bryman, Α. (1988) Quantity and Quality in Social Research, Λονδίνο: Routledge. Bryman, A. (2012) Social Research Methods, τέταρτη έκδοση, Οξφόρδη: Oxford University Press. Busse, G. (2003) ‘Leitfadengestόtzte, qualitative Telefoninterviews’ στοKatenkamp, O., Kopp, R. & Schrader, A. (επιμ) PraxishandbuchEmpirischeSozialforschung (Muenster u.a.: LIT). Christman, G.B. (2009) ‘Expert Interviews on the Telephone: A Difficult Undertaking’, στοBogner, A., Littig, B. &Menz, W. (επιμ.) Interviewing Experts, Χάμπσαιρ: Palgrave Macmillan. Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. (επιμ.) (2000) Handbook of Qualitative Research,δεύτερηέκδοση, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Fairclough, N. (2001) ‘Critical Discourse Analysis as a Method in Social Scientific Research’, στο Meyer, M. &Wodak, R. (επιμ.) Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, Λονδίνο: Sage. Glaser, B.G. & Strauss, A.L. (2003). ‘Η ανακάλυψη της βάσιμης θεωρίας’, στο Καλφόπουλος, Κ.Φ. (επιμ.) Η ποιοτική παράδοση στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες, Αθήνα: Νήσος. HammersleyM., (2013) WhatisQualitativeResearch?,Λονδίνο: Bloomsbury. Howarth, D. & Stavrakakis, Υ. (2000) ‘Introducing Discourse Theory and Political Analysis’, στοHowarth, D., Norval, Al. & Stavrakakis, Y. (επιμ.) Discourse Theory and Political Analysis: Identities, Hegemonies and Social Change, Manchester &ΝέαΥόρκη: Manchester University Press - St Martin’s Press. Ιωσηφίδης, Θ. & Σπυριδάκης, Μ. (επιμ.) (2006) Ποιοτική κοινωνική έρευνα: Μεθοδολογικές προσεγγίσεις και ανάλυση δεδομένων, Αθήνα: Κριτική. Kuhn, T.S. (1962) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Legard R., Keegan J. & Wart, K. (2003) ‘In-depth Interviews’, στο Ritchie, J. & Lewis, J. (επιμ.) Qualitative Research Practice. A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers, Λονδίνο: Sage. Λάζος, Γ. (1998) Το πρόβλημα της ποιοτικής έρευνας στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες: Θεωρία και Πράξη, Αθήνα: Παπαζήσης. Λυδάκη, Α. (2012) Ποιοτικές μέθοδοι της κοινωνικής έρευνας (νέα έκδοση συμπληρωμένη), Αθήνα: Καστανιώτης. Mason, J. (2008) Η διεξαγωγή της ποιοτικής έρευνας, Αθήνα: Ελληνικά Γράμματα. Meyer, M. (2001) ‘Between Theory, Method, and Politics: Positioning of the Approaches to CDA’, στο Meyer, M. &Wodak, R. (επιμ.) Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, Λονδίνο: Sage. Phillips, L. & Jorgensen, M. (2002) Discourse Analysis as Theory and Method, Λονδίνο: Sage. Potter, J. & Hepburn, A. (2005) ‘Qualitative Interviews in Psychology: Problems and Possibilities’, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 2(4), 281–307. Πούρκος , Α.Μ. (2010α) «Η έννοια της θεωρίας και ο ρόλος της στην έρευνα των κοινωνικών επιστημών: Οι ‘κρίσεις’ και τα βασικά ‘παραδείγματα’», στο Πούρκος, Α.Μ. & Δαφέρμος, Μ. (επιμ.) Ποιοτική έρευνα στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες: Επιστημολογικά, μεθοδολογικά και ηθικά ζητήματα, Αθήνα: Τόπος. Πούρκος, Α.Μ. (2010β) «Η διαμάχη μεταξύ ποιοτικής κα ποσοτικής έρευνας στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες: Διερευνώντας τις προοπτικές στη μεθοδολογία και τον ερευνηντικό σχεδιασμό», στο Πούρκος, Α.Μ. & Δαφέρμος, Μ. (επιμ.) Ποιοτική έρευνα στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες: Επιστημολογικά, μεθοδολογικά και ηθικά ζητήματα, Αθήνα: Τόπος. Πούρκος, Α.Μ. & Δαφέρμος, Μ. (επιμ.) (2010) Ποιοτική έρευνα στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες: Επιστημολογικά, μεθοδολογικά και ηθικά ζητήματα, Αθήνα: Τόπος. Ritchie J. (2003) ‘The Applications of Qualitative Methods to Social Research’, στο Ritchie, J. & Lewis, J. (επιμ.) Qualitative Research Practice. A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers, Λονδίνο: Sage. Ritchie J., Lewis, J. & Gillian, E. (2003) ‘Designing and Selecting Samples’, στο Ritchie, J. & Lewis, J. (επιμ) Qualitative Research Practice. A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers, Λονδίνο: Sage. Schostak, J. (2006) Interviewing and Representation in Qualitative Research, Νέα Υόρκη: Open University Press. Seidman, I. (2006) Interviewing as Qualitative Research. A Guide for Researchers in Education and the Social Sciences, Νέα Υόρκη: Irving Teachers College Press. Snape, D. & Spencer, L. (2003) ‘The Foundations of Qualitative Research’, στο Ritchie, J. & Lewis, J. (επιμ.) Qualitative Research Practice. A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers, Λονδίνο: Sage. Talja, S. (1999) ‘Analyzing Qualitative Interview Data: The Discourse Analytic Method’, Library &Information Science Research, 21(4), 459–477. Thompson, C.B. & Walker, B.L. (1998) ‘Basics of Research (Part 12): Qualitative Research’, Air Medical Journal, 17(2), 65-70. Τσιώλης, Γ. (2014) Μέθοδοι και τεχνικές ανάλυσης στην ποιοτική κοινωνική έρευνα, Αθήνα: Κριτική. Φραγκιαδάκη Ε. (2010) «Θεμελιωμένη θεωρία: Ανασκόπηση των σύγχρονων προσεγγίσεων και μεθοδολογικά ζητήματα», στο Πούρκος, Α.Μ. & Δαφέρμος, Μ. (επιμ.) Ποιοτική έρευνα στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες: Επιστημολογικά, μεθοδολογικά και ηθικά ζητήματα, Αθήνα: Τόπος. Ιστορικές μέθοδοι Ανδριάκαινα Ελένη, Πέραν του Θετικισμού και του μεταμοντερνισμού. Δοκίμια στην ιστορική κοινωνιολογία, Αθήνα 2009. Ασδραχάς Σπ., Ιστορική έρευνα και ιστορική παιδεία: Πραγματικότητες και προοπτικές, Ε.Μ.Ν.Ε.-Μνήμων, Αθήνα 1982. Δημαράς Κ. Θ. - Σβορώνος Ν., Η μέθοδος της ιστορίας: Ιστοριογραφικά και αυτοβιογραφικά σχόλια, Άγρα, Αθήνα 1995. 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Ποσοτικές μέθοδοι Achen, C. H., & Shively, W. P. (1995). Cross-level inference. Chicago; London: University of Chicago Press. Aldous, J. M. και R. J. Wilson (2000) Graphs and Applications: An Introductory Approach, Springer Verlag. Anderson, J., Andreadis, I., Dumont, P., De Angelis, A., Fivas, J., Fossen, T., ... & Ladner, A. (2014). Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates: Voting Advice Applications in Comparative Perspective. ECPR Press. Anderson, T. W. & Finn, J. D., (1996). The New Statistical Analysis of Data, Νέα Υόρκη, Springer. Berk, K. N. & Carey, P. (2000) Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel, Pacific Grove, Duxbury Presσ. Biggs, N. L. (1990) Discrete Mathematics, Oxford Science Publications,. Couper M. (2008) Designing effective web surveys Cambridge University Press Cambridge, UK D. J. Bartholomew, F. Steele, I. Moustaki, J. I. Galbraith (2007) Ανάλυση πολυµεταβλητών δεδομένων για κοινωνικές επιστήμες, Επίκεντρο. Grinstead, C. M. και J. L. Snell, (1997) Introduction to Probability, American Mathematical Society. Javeau, C. (1996) Η έρευνα µε ερωτηματολόγιο, Tυπωθήτω. King, G. (1997). A solution to the ecological inference problem: Reconstructing individual behavior from aggregate data. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. King, G., Tanner, M. A., & Rosen, O. (2004). Ecological inference: New methodological strategies. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press. Norusis, (2005) Οδηγός ανάλυσης δεδομένων µε το SPSS, Κλειδάριθµος. Paulos, J.Α. (1996) A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper, Turtleback Books-Demco Media. Sue, V. M., & Ritter, L. A. (2012). Conducting online surveys. Sage. Thousand Oaks, CA, USA Αγγελής, E. και Γ. Mπλέρης (2003) Διακριτά μαθηματικά, Tζιόλα,. Καλαµατιανού, A. (2003) Κοινωνική στατιστική, Aθήνα, Παπαζήσης, 2003. Καραπιστόλης, Δ. (2001) Ανάλυση δεδομένων και έρευνα αγοράς, Ανικούλας. Μπαγιάτης, Κ., Μωϋσιάδης, Χ., Τσάντας, Ν., Χατζηπαντελής, Θ. 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