Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course participants should be:
1. Familiar with various aspects of teaching practice
2. Able to recognize the choices they have with respect to class management, lesson planning and its implementation in class
3. To develop reflective thinking so as to be able to critically evaluate their choices and introduce necessary changes.
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course aims to familiarize students with the principles and techniques of language teaching. It will bring together current theory and research in order to encourage innovative classroom practice and it will provide students with the opportunity to relate the theoretical knowledge acquired in Ling 3-225 and Ling 3-226 to the choices and decisions English language teachers need to make in their daily teaching practice. The course will cover a wide range of topics related to the teaching of English as a foreign language to learners of different age groups (e.g., teaching the skills, grammar and vocabulary, class management, lesson planning, etc.).
teaching, skills, teaching materials, students, learning, classroom management
Additional bibliography for study
Arnold, J., H. Puchta & M. Rinvolucri (2007). Imagine that! Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bartels, N. (2005). Applied linguistics and language teacher education. Springer.
Cohen, L., L. Manion & K. Morrison (2002). A guide to teaching practice. London: Routledge/Falmer.
Fried-Booth, D. (2002). Project work. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Harmer, J. (2001). The practice of English language teaching. London: Longman.
Hedge, T. (2002). Teaching and learning in the language classroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hess, N. (2001).Teaching large multilevel classes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Morgan, J. & M. Rincolucri (1987). Once upon a time: using stories in the language classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Phillips, S. (2001). Young learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Prodromou, L. (1992). Mixed ability classes. Macmillan.
Richards, J.C. & C. Lockhart (2001). Reflective teaching in second language classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Scrivener, J. (2003). Teaching grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Scrivener, J. (2005). Learning teaching. A guidebook for English language teachers. Oxford: Macmillan.
Thornbury, S. (1999). How to teach grammar. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
Thornbury, S. (2002). How to teach vocabulary. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
Warjnryb, R. (2003). Stories: narrative activities for the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wallace, M. (1998) Action research for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.