Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students are expected to:
a) know the main international organizations (intergovernmental and non-governmental), their functioning and their relationship with human rights.
b) realize that all sciences have the ability and responsibility to contribute to the protection of human rights and the achievement of peace.
c) be aware of and be sensitized to a great deal of contemporary global problems.
d)They will understand the necessity of dialogue and collaboration of sciences to address/solve contemporary problems
e) establish the value system and the incentives required for relevant action in International Organizations or Non-Governmental Organizations.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Interfaculty and interdisciplinary Programme of Education for Human Rights and Peace. Some of the taught subjects are the following: Human Rights, violations and international instruments for their protection • International Organizations and Issues of International Law • World Environmental Problems and Human Behaviour • Nuclear Energy (positive - negative uses) • Chemical and Biological War • Culture of Peace: basic concepts and UNESCO Programmes of action • Non-violence and Peace Research • International Institutions and the Peaceful Settlement of Conflicts • Minorities, Refugees, Social Exclusion • Issues of Genetics and Bioethies, etc.
Members of the academic staff from all the Schools of the A.U.Th. and other Greek Universities teach in this programme.
The aforementioned programme was established by UNESCO as an UNESCO Chair by an Agreement co-signed by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and UNESCO (1997).
UNESCO, peace, non violence, culture of peace, human rights, international organisations, international law, intercultural education, environment