Course Content (Syllabus)
What is structural engineering? The Architect and the Structural Engineer. Different types of loading. The basic stress states: tension, compression, shear, bending, torsion. The concept of structural model. Types of structural models: truss, beam, column, frame, arch. Mobile formations, statically determinate and indeterminate structures. Force resultants and components, conditions of equilibrium. Calculation of reactions of statically determinate structures. Calculation of axial forces of statically determinate trusses. Basic concepts of strength of materials. The concept of internal stress. Axial stresses due to axial force and bending moment. Shear stresses due to shear force and torque. Allowable stresses of building materials. Axial, shear force and bending moment diagrams of statically determinate plane frames. Deformation of structural components. Introduction to the force and displacement methods for the analysis of statically indeterminate structures. Qualitative determination of axial, shear force and bending moment diagrams.