Learning Outcomes
Through programmed laboratory exercises, from observation or from memory, it is aimed to develop the designed, tinted colored print outs, to evolve the aptitudes and the inspection of the visual arts that are exercised in the techniques of engraving and printing, that in combination from the one hand with the dialogue with the theory of History, or aesthetics of art and on the other hand with the dialogue of the modern artistic creation, but also the more and more development of more extended in implementation morph-plastic procedures, that are characterized by the identity- giving results in the art discourse of the students.
Enriching the substantial discourse between teacher – students, cultivating a spirit of free search for the conquest from their behalf of the quality, polymorphism and the variety of their aesthetic directions.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Drawing learning through the study of a naked model.
Initiation in the techniques of intaglio (etching techniques - Aquatinta), as well as drypoint (in copper, or in zing, or in plexiglass), with the application in works of study of the model, in black and white and colorful print out.