Learning Outcomes
Students learn (1) how to cooperate and participate regularly and actively. They become acquainted with (1) the scientific handling of bibliography/ secondary literature, (2) multiple methods of text analysis and interpretation and (3) learn basic tools and frameworks of philology. The language of the course is german, which additionally helps the students improve their language competence.
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course aims at introducing beginners into basic tools and frameworks of philology. Students delve into fundamental philological terms and methodology and discuss e. g. differences between the literary genres, or certain methods of scholarly working such as research in bibliography or techniques of presentation. Attendance of the additional workshop offered is mandatory.
Additional bibliography for study
- Allkemper, Alo/ Eke, Norbert Otto (2004): Literaturwissenschaft. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
- Anz, Thomas (2007): Handbuch Literaturwissenschaft. Bd. 1-3. Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler.
- Becker, Sabina/ Hummel, Christine/ Sander, Gabriele (2012): Grundkurs
Literaturwissenschaft. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam.
- Culler, Jonathan (2002): Literaturtheorie: Eine kurze Einführung. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam.
- Jeßing, Benedikt/ Köhnen, Ralph (2003): Einführung in die Neuere deutsche
Literaturwissenschaft. Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler.
- Krah, Hans (2006): Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft/Textanalyse. Kiel: Ludwig.
- Neuhaus, Stefan (2005): Grundriss der Literaturwissenschaft. Tübingen; Basel: A. Francke.
- Wiener Link: http://www.univie.ac.at/iggerm/files/mitschriften/Einfuehrung_i_d_Dt_Philologie-2009W.pdf