Learning Outcomes
1) Learning the basic theory required for describing, formulating and solving the problem of determining the response of a variety of structures (surface and spatial) to static loads, using the finite element method.
2) Simple and effective analytical modelling of surface and spatial structures of complex form.
3) Analyzing and solving problems of static analysis of surface and spatial constructions with the use of specialized software.
Course Content (Syllabus)
General formulation of the finite element method for the analysis of structures. The direct stiffness method.
Stiffness properties [shape functions, element internal stiffness (elasticity) matrix, element (external) stiffness matrix, strain matrix, stress vector, load vector, etc.], of 3-node (triangular), 4-node (rectangular) and 8-node isoparametric elements for plane-stress and plane-strain conditions.
Stiffness properties (shape functions, stiffness matrices, etc.) of 4-node rectangular elements for plates in bending.
Improved analytical modelling approaches using non-conforming quadrilateral finite elements.
Analytical modelling of high-rise beams, walls with simple or complicated shape and composite wall-frame systems, using surface (2D) finite elements.
Analytical modelling of building slabs for pure bending and diaphragm-action behaviour, using surface (2D) finite elements.
Analytical modelling of spatial wall assemblages (wall-cores) with surface (2D) finite elements.
Several numerical applications using the software package SAP2000 for the analytical modelling and static analysis of spatial structures, using space-frame, plane-stress, plate-bending and shell finite elements.
Also, in the framework of the course, the students elaborate mandatory homework.