Learning Outcomes
Upon succesful completion of the course, each student would have gained:
• Knowledge of the purpose of art direction & costume design.
• A wide and deep understanding of the contribution of art direction & costume design in the completed work (film, performance), as well as of the way in which it is applied and materialised.
• An understanding of the work and function of the set and costume designer in the whole process of the production.
• An understanding of the relationship of art direction & costume design with the script-direction-direction of photography-production.
• Knowledge of terminology and the «language» regarding art direction & costume design.
• Familarity with issues concerning the relationship of human form- figure to space.
Course Content (Syllabus)
What is art direction & costume design, what is its objective? A wide and deep understanding of the contribution of art direction & costume design in the completed work (film, performance), as well as of the way in which it is applied and materialised. An understanding of the work and function of the set and costume designer in the whole process of the production. An understanding of the relationship of art direction & costume design with the script-direction-direction of photography-production. Knowledge of terminology and the «language» regarding art direction & costume design. Familarity with issues concerning the relationship of human form- figure to space.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. J.Itten,Σύνθεση και Μορφή,Εκδόσεις Αντιύλη,2011.
2. Βακαλό Γ, Σύντομη ιστορία της Σκηνογραφίας, Εκδόσεις Κέδρος
3. Gombrich, G.H., Το Χρονικό της Τέχνης, ΜΙΕΤ, 2006.
Additional bibliography for study
Γ.Βακαλό-ΟΠΤΙΚΗ ΣΥΝΤΑΞΗ,εκδ Νεφέλη,1988
Henri Cartier-Bresson Η ΑΠΟΦΑΣΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΣΤΙΓΜΗ-Λόγος για τη φωτογραφία-Εκδ.Άγρα
Henny Harald Hansen,Costume Cavalcade,Eyre Methuen,London 1975