Learning Outcomes
The course aims to instruct students in the following:
•research skills: evidence of research, evaluation and relevance of sources
•use of bibliographical tools: Mendeley
•usage of sources: integration, paraphrasing skills, aptness of direct quotation
•clarity of structure and expression: logical argumentation, precise discussion and a clearly structured paper
•referencing: in-text citations and References/Works Cited page
•format: adherence to MLA 8 and APA 6 format, word skills
•organisation-coherence: clear thesis statement, paragraphing, satisfying conclusion
•language: clarity, appropriate style, sophistication
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course focuses on research methodology and essay writing skills for projects in literature/culture and linguistics. For this reason it is divided into two parts of a six-week duration each. The themes and topics the students will be invited to work and research on draw on the survey courses in English and American Literature and Culture as well as on the compulsory Linguistics courses taught in the second year of their undergraduate studies. Some of the skills to be practiced and acquired as part of the course are: a) the use of Mendeley, b) types of MLA and APA scholarly papers, d) MLA and APA citations and essay formatting, e) the structure of a literature/culture- and linguistics-themed essay, f) exercising the skills of paraphrasing, direct quoting, annotating, g) avoiding plagiarism, i) thinking critically.