Learning Outcomes
An agronomist/rural economist should be able to answer questions that often are in confilct with economic theories and models. For example, how is that in today's globalized economy that small - family farms survive; Why an agronomist is not able to promote an innovation in rural areas ? These and other similar questions rural sociology addresses. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. understand the rapidly changing social environment of the countryside in which they are going to operate as scientist - practitioners .
2. understand which society will adopt or not and why, the various rural development policies
3. understand the transformations that occurred in the rural community and the farming profession
4. help solve the problems facing the rural economy by adopting a sociological view
5. understand the relationship between the rural and the urban
6. understand what hinders social change in rural areas
7.nderstand what causes rural conflicts
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction to Rural Society and Rural Sociology. Defining and understanding the Rural. Social- rural restructuring. From peasants to contemporary-modern rural society. Historical review of the rural society in Greece. Sociological approach to assets (land, labour, capital, management) . Urbanization and counter-urbanization: return to the countryside. Mobilities in the countryside. Social representations of the city and the countryside. The rural as a place of consumption. Rural conflicts. Natural resources and society. Social change and rural movements. Food and the relationship of the city with the countryside (urban agriculture, peri-urban agriculture, community vegetable gardens, local production systems & Community Supported Agriculture). Poverty and social exclusion in rural areas.
Rural Sociology, countryside, rurality, urban, social construction, social capital, trust, mobility, gender, poverty, exclusion, imigrants
Additional bibliography for study
1. Ανθοπούλου Θ., Μωυσίδης Α., (Επιμ.), 2001, Από τον αγροτικό χώρο στην ύπαιθρο χώρα (Συλλογικός τόμος), Εκδ. Gutemberg, Αθήνα.
2. Δαμιανάκος Σ. (Επιμ.), 1987, Διαδικασίες κοινωνικού μετασχηματισμού στην αγροτική Ελλάδα, Συλλογικός Τόμος, ΕΚΚΕ, Αθήνα.
3. Δαμιανάκος Σ., 2002, Από τον χωρικό στον αγρότη, Εκδ. Εξάντας – ΕΚΚΕ, Αθήνα.
4. Κασίμης Χ., Λουλούδης Λ. (Επιμ.), 1999, Ύπαιθρος Χώρα, Συλλογικός Τόμος, Εκδ. Πλέθρον, Αθήνα.
5. Μωυσίδης Α., Ανθοπούλου Θ., Ντυκέν Μ., 2002, Οι ηλικιωμένοι στον αγροτικό χώρο, Εκδ. Gutemberg, Αθήνα.