Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
1. To apply the principles of food sensory analysis in the food industry processes
2. To apply the sensory evaluation techniques to the acceptance of food by consumers
3. To relate the sensory evaluation and instrumental analysis techniques in order to evaluate the the quality of a food.
Course Content (Syllabus)
1. The human senses as a tool for sensory analysis
2. Applications of sensory analysis
3. Sensory evaluation of appearance, shape and size
4. Sensory evaluation of food color
5. Sensory evaluation structure and texture of foods
6. Principles of food flavor analysis
7. Correlation between sensory analysis and analytical methods
8. Descriptive Analysis Techniques
9. Preference - Acceptance sensory tests
10. Selection and Training of Panel Members
11. Experimental design of sensory analysis
12. Special conditions and equipment for sensory analysis
13. Basic Statistical Methods for sensory analysis