Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. identify insect characteristics and functions
2. understand the insect-plant relations and the economic importance of insects
3. identify injuries caused by various insects to plants, humans and commodities
3. identifly the insect orders and species with agricultural importance
3. apply different methods for insect control
Course Content (Syllabus)
Insect Classification and Evolution, Structure anf Function of Insects, Insect Οrders. Feeding habits and Insect-Plant relationships, Internal anatomy (Alimentary, Circulatory, Ventilatory, Reproductive, Muscular systems), Nervous system and insect behavior, Reproduction, Chemical communication and pheromones, Insect development, Chemical and biological control, Non chemical control (Insect traps etch.), Integrated Pest Management, Injurious and beneficial insect species.
Insect Classification and Evolution, Structure anf Function of Insects, Internal anatomy, Insect-Plant relationships, Chemical and biological control