Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the procedures of digestion, absorption and bioavailability of nutrients.
2. Recognize the biological role and principle metabolic pathways of nutrients.
3. Understand the metabolic regulation and homeostasis.
4. Understand the association between nutrition/nutrient metabolism and chronic diseases.
Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Core Concepts of Nutrition
2. Molecular Aspects of Nutrition
3. Integration of Metabolism: Energy
4. Integration of Metabolism: Protein and Amino Acids
5. Integration of Metabolism: Carbohydrates and Lipids
6. The Gastrointestinal Tract
7. Signalling molecules
8. Diet and Cardiovascular Disease
9. Diet and Bone Health
10. The Immune and Inflammatory System
11. The Control of Food Intake
12. Overnutrition - Undernutrition - Health
13. Growth, Ageing and Diet
Food, nutrition, metabolism, health