Learning Outcomes
Introduction to network management and analysis. Related protocols used are SNMP for TCP / IP and CMIP / CMIS for the OSI standard. Introduction to the TMN architecture for multi-level management of communication networks.
Knowledge: The student will gain an overview of the protocols used to monitor, manage and control computer and communication networks based on specific indicative protocols.
Skills: The student will be able to send and receive commands in SNMP and he/she will be familiar with a series of network traffic analysers (wireshark, kismet, PRTG, etc) through laboratory exercises. He/She will also become familiar with the search for bibliographic information and the presentation skills required (communication skills, proper use presentation techniques, familiarity with questions from the audience).
Course Content (Syllabus)
Management of Communication Systems. The management approach for TCP/IP and OSI
(NMF, SNMP, SNMPv.2, CMIP, CMISE) . Functional Areas of management. Objectoriented
modelling. Management Information Bases (MIBs) . Management via browsers. Artificial intelligence and expert systems in network management. Software for network management.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Α. Μήλιου, Π.Νικοπολιτίδης, Α.Πομπόρτσης, “Διαχείριση Δικτύων Η/Υ”, Εκδόσεις
Τζιόλα, 2007.
Additional bibliography for study
1. “SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3 and RMON 1 and 2”, William Stallings, Third edition, Addison Wesley.
2. “Network Management-Principles and Practice”, Mani Subramanian, Addison Wesley.
3. “Effective Management of Local Area Networks”, Kornel Terplan, McGraw-Hill Series on Computer Communications.
4. “Διαχείριση Δικτύων Τηλεπικοινωνιών”, Ε. Οικονόμου, New Type.
5. “Total SNMP”, Sean Harnedy, McGraw-Hill.