Course Content (Syllabus)
Photosynthesis: light reactions. Photosynthetic carbon reduction cycles (C3, C2). CO2-concentrating mechanisms. Water relations and water transport. Μineral Nutrition. Plant growth and development: plant hormones, light control of plant development, flowering mechanisms. Fruit ripening and senescence.
Laboratory training
Introduction to search, retrieval, validation and use of bibliographic information [Catalogues of Library and Information Center of AUTH, HEAL-link, Citation Index (SCI), Journal of Citation Reports (JCR). Reprints retrieval. Plagiarism and plagiarism checking tools. Ιn text citations, citation styles. A personal bibliographic database (Mendely)]. Absorbance spectrum of leaf extract. Estimation of leaf chlorophyll concentration. Quantitative estimation of ascorbic acid in lemon, green pepper, apple, orange and banana.The effect of ethylene in Arabidopsis thaliana seedling development.Plasmolysis, ion competition, osmotic pressure.