Learning Outcomes
To understand the regulation of populations growth.
To understand the processes that occur at the community level.
To forecast the population growth.
To estimate the parameters that are crucial for the growth of the population.
To suggest senarios for the management of the population at risk.
To suggest scenarios for the recovery of a community after disturbance.
To be familiar with the analysis and interpretation of quantitative data.
To be familiar with the collection of field data.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction to population ecology. Properties of populations. Life tables. Intraspecific population regulation. K- and r-models of population growth.Deterministic and stochastic models of growth. Techniques for the management of populations. Interspecific competition. Predation. Metapopulations. Viability analysis. Community structure. Factors influencing the structure of the community. Food chains -Food webs. Succession. Models describing the response of community to disturbance.Community matrix and stability. Landscape ecology.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Michael Begon, Robert W. Howarth, Colin R. Townsend 2015.Οικολογία Πληθυσμοί, Βιοκοινότητες και Εφαρμογές, Εκδόσεις Utopia (μετάφραση)
Γ.Π. Στάμου 2008. Οικολογία. Εισαγωγή στην οικολογία των πληθυσμών. Εκδόσεις ΖΗΤΗ