Learning Outcomes
To provide students with sufficient expertise in phonological, syntactic and vocabulary development so that they can analyze real data from children's language. Specifically, students are concerned with measuring the length of the sentence (MLU), which is an internationally accepted indicator for assessing a child's language age. They then deal with quantitative as well as qualitative data analysis from at least two stages of development.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course belongs to the field of Psycholinguistics and specializes in 'Mother Language Acquisition' by children with typical development but also by children with Special Language Disorders. It begins by presenting some language development theories that disagree on basic principles of language perception as a cognitive system and then focuses on the development of linguistic behavior from birth to approximately 4 years of age. Then we compare typical linguistic development with cases of disorders to identify which parts of the language have the most problems.
First Language Aquisition theories, typical development, special language disorders, language system, language behaviour