Learning Outcomes
An appreciation of the centrality of discourse in all forms of social life
Competence in text analysis including multimodal discourse
To practice knowledge acquired in various courses (mainly pragmatics, semantics) and apply it in the technique of analysis
To comprehend and put to practice why some forms or constructions are used in specific contexts/genres rather than others, and possibly generate their own hypotheses to be put to test
Acquisition of a critical stance in language use
Acquisition of a good background for further studies at postgraduate level
Possibly, to develop skills at adapting or incorporating the discursive angle into further analyses in other fields (literature, advertising, media, film studies, etc.)
To develop and adopt as an automatic reflex the discursive outlook in further fields of applied knowledge and practice, most notably in language learning and FLT
Course Content (Syllabus)
The focus of the course is on analysing language in its linguistic and situational context, as used by its speakers, but also on multimodality (incorporation of various forms of discourse, such as icons, pictures, logos, visual symbols, etc.). This is a direct consequence of the view that people do not just mean but act and perform in language. This course is designed to be partly theoretical and partly practical.
In its theoretical part students will be acquainted with various modes of the analysis of discourse and text. In its practical component students are expected to develop an acute awareness of selectional issues as per genre and form their own hypotheses. Amongst other things, this course will aim at making prospective teachers of English acquire a critical stance towards reference grammars and course-books intended for the use of EFL and help them to develop an awareness of the need to heed and incorporate the findings of discourse analysis in their teaching strategies and materials designing. It cannot be overemphasized that an appreciation of the issues discussed in this course will greatly depend on a fair grounding in general linguistics, semantics and pragmatics. Therefore it is recommended that this course follows the above. It must also be stressed that the practical component of this course presupposes small classes.
discourse analysis, multimodal texts, hypotheses, critical approach, language teaching
Additional bibliography for study
Fairclough, N. (1995). Critical discourse analysis Longman.
Fairclough, N. (1995, 2003). Media discourse. London: Arnold.
Schegloff, E. (2007). Sequence organization in interaction: A primer in conversation analysis vol. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sidnell, J. and Stivers, T. (2014). Handbook of Conversation Analysis. Wiley Blackwell.
Wetherell, M., Taylor, S. and Yates, S. J. (eds.) (2001) Discourse theory and practice: A reader. Sage Publications