General Prerequisites
The Italian language course in level C1/C2, structured towards a unique linguistic-cultural direction, aims at putting the students in a position to master all varieties and registers of the language both orally and in writing, thus expressingthemselves precisely and fluently. At the end of the course the students must prove that they possess a good linguistic competence and a sufficient metalinguistic competence, which should allow them to describe the principal traits of the morphology and syntax of the contemporary Italian language. They should moreover be able to apply the pragmatic rules that preside the use of the language and those stylistic ones to which their creative and poetic work is submitted. Therefore, when entering the course, the knowledge of the basic structures of the morphology of the Italian language is taken for granted.
Learning Outcomes
Course Outcomes
The course mainly aims to develop the following language-skills of the students:
1. Listening, so that they can follow radio and TV interviews and debates.
2. Reading, so that they can read general-interest articles in Italian journals.
3. Writing, so that they can compose a CV and serious correspondance.
4. Speaking, so that they can participate in social occasions.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The teacher will provide the class with special language-material for practice.
Student Assessment
A mid-term written examination, and final written and oral examinations. Regularly attending students can be assessed by three progress tests, plus their total performance in class during the semester.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Understanding of various texts, which deal with actuality and with the students’ personal studying and working experiences.
Written production on the mentioned topics
Oral production (expressing their personal opinion, description of personal experiences, expressing agreement and disagreement about the opinion of the interlocutor, confrontation and estimation of opinion etc.) on the topics of the first paragraph.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
C. Ghezzi, M.Piantoni, R. Bozzone Costa Nuovo Contatto C1, Corso di lingua e civiltà italiana per stranieri, Loescher Editore, 2016, Torino.
Unità 4 (percorsi 1-2-3-5-6) Unità 5 (percorso 6), Unità 6 (percorsi 5 - 6), Unità 7( percorsi 2-3),
Lettura di uno dei seguenti libri di narrativa
1. Elsa Ferrante, L’amica geniale, 2013, Edizioni E/O, Roma, pp.400
2. Andrea Camilleri,Un mese con Moltalbano, Oscar Mondadori, 2014, Milano,pp.354
3.Silvia Bertoni,Barbara Cauzzo,Gabriella Debetto, "Caleidoscopio italiano" Uno sguardo sull'Italia attraverso i testi letterari,Loescher Editore, Torino, 2014 (capitolo 1- "Quale italiano?")
Visione film “Perfetti sconosciuti” di Paolo Genovese(2016)