Learning Outcomes
Acquisition of the concept of comparative literature, across all its width, and comparative research methodology by developing the skills of the student in it.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction to comparative literature and methodology through a theoretical intake of comparative literature and themes through comparative data and content (literature and myth, Theory of litteraries genres, literature and rewriting, literature and arts, interculturality, intertextuality etc).
Additional bibliography for study
F. de Cristofaro, Letterature comparate, Carocci, Roma 2014
A. Gnisci et alii, La letteratura comparata, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2002.
D. Souiller-W.Trubezkoy, Letteratura comparata", Armando, Roma 2001.
D.E. Pageaux, Le scritture di Hermes, Sellerio, Palermo 2010.
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