Course Content (Syllabus)
Specialised econometric tests:
• LR, Wald and LM tests for multiple and linear restrictions on the model coefficients
• Coefficients' stability tests (CUSUM, CUSUMSQ)
• Misspecification tests (the Ramsey's RESET test, nonlinearity tests)
• Model selection criteria (Akaike, Amemiya, Schwarz)
• Other goodness-of-fit criteria (the Jarque-Bera normality test)
ARCH effects: basic concepts and diagnostic tests
Alternative methods of model estimation:
• the maximum likelihood method (ML)
• the generalized least-squares (GLS)
• the restricted least-squares (RLS)
Nonlinear econometric models: the Cobb-Douglas production function
The method of instrumental variables
Distributed lag models
Seemingly unrelated regression equations (SURE): definitions and estimation methods
Simultaneous equation models (SUR): simultaneity bias, structural and reduced forms, model specification, the two-stage least squares (2SLS), first-order dynamic systems.
Selected topics from time series analysis:
• spurious regression
• integrated time series, stationarity tests
• co-integration, testing and specification, error-correction models, Granger causality, vector autoregressive (VAR) και error-correction vector autoregressive (ECVAR) models