Course Content (Syllabus)
Special estimation methods. The ordinary least square method with restrictions and the filter method. The violation of the basic hypothesis. Non linear models. Multicollinearity: ways of finding and confronting. Heteroskedasticity: criteria to detect. Autocorrelation: Test to detect first-order autocorrelation and methods to face it. Tests for special cases. Wallis, Bresch-Godfrey and ARCH tests. Stochastic explanatory variables. The method of auxiliary variables. Model of distributed time lags. Combination of a number of linear regressions. The SUR method. Systems of interdepend linear regressions. Two-stage least square method. The application of least squares, under specific restrictions. Three-stage least squares and the maximum likelihood test. Generally about dynamic systems. Basic principles of optimal control and applications in economic programming. Stationarity tests. The unit-root subject. The Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Peron tests. Cointegration and relative tests. Error Correction models. Cranger Causality. Vector Autoregressive models (VAR). Estimating the cointegrating vectors with the maximum likelihood method. Discussion of specialized subjects of economics.