Course Content (Syllabus)
Laboratory exercises:
Safety rules in Chemical laboratories. Reagent’s hazards. Mass and volume measurement. Expression of solution concentration. Preparation of solutions with specific concentration. Simple methods for separation of mixtures. Decantation, filtration, centrification. Study of homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibrium and effect of mass and temperature on the equilibrium. Equilibriums in aqueous solutions of electrolytes. The meaning of pH and its measurement using indicators and pH meters (Principle of pH meter operation). Estimation of the pK of a weak electrolyte. Preparation and study of the buffering ability of buffers. Estimation of the hydrolysis constant of salts in aqueous solutions. Principles and techniques of volumetric analysis. Preparation of standard solutions. Acidimetry – alkalimetry – complexometry – redox volumetric analysis. Redox reactions. Study of the reactivity series of metals and non-metals. Oxidative properties of typical oxidants in aqueous media. Voltaic cells, electrolysis, determination and application of electrolysis laws. Principles of spectroscopy. Application of electronic spectroscopy in the identification and study of inorganic compounds. Homeworks.
Chemical equilibrium, Acids-bases, Buffer-solutions, Red-ox, Electrolysis, Spectroscopy