Learning Outcomes
Folowing the successful conclusion of the classes, the students are expected to:
1. Understand the general principles of food processing at industrial level.
2. Become familiarized with applications of microbial cultures and enzymes in industrial food production.
3. Comprehend the role of raw material composition, exogenous agents and packaging in the preservation of end food products.
4. Become familiarized with the principples of industrial food preservation methods.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Raw matterial processing in food processing industries. Exploitation of microorganisms and enzymes in food production. Food preservation (chemical, biochemical and microbial spoilage of foods, food biological safety, environmental factors affecting the microbial spoilage and biological safety of foods, food preservation by dehydration, refrigeration, freezing, thermal processing, irradiation and other physical methods, preservation with the use of antimicrobial additives, salt, vinegar or sugar, preservation by smoking). Packaging materials and edible packaging of foods. Educational visits to plant and animal food processing industries.
Food, Processing, Preservation, Packaging