Course Content (Syllabus)
Evolution of life. Evolution and homeostasis stages. Creation of biological systems. Redox potentials and bioelements. Trace elements in vivo. Selective binding of trace elements. Selective and competitive activity of trace elements. The role of metal ions in biological systems. Interaction of trace elements with drugs. Elements and their compounds used as drugs. Coordination compounds in vivo. Bioinorganic chemistry and applications. Metalloenzymes. Iron metalloproteins for the transportation of electrons and oxygen and storage of iron. The role of molybdenum and iron in nitrogenase. The role of manganese in the oxygen evolving center of photosystem II. The role of zinc in non-redox enzymes. The role of copper as a trace element. Physical methods to study metalloenzymes. Interaction of metal ions and coordination compounds with nucleic acid and other biomolecules.
Bioinorganic chemistry, trace elements, metalloproteins, applications, metals as therapeutics