Course Content (Syllabus)
Liquid crystals. Classification of liquid crystals, liquid crystalic phases. Properties, structure-properties correlation. Applications, liquid crystal displays.
Conducting polymers. Doping and the role of dopants. Conduction mechanism (solitons, polarons, bipolarons). Chemical and electrochemical synthesis. Physico-electrochemical properties and applications of conducting polymers.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Παραδόσεις Χημείας Υλικών, E. Κουτούλη-Αργυροπούλου, Μ. Λάλια-Καντούρη, Δ. Σαζού, Β. Ταγκούλης, Α. Χατζηδημητρίου, Άγις-Σάββας Δ. Γαρταγάνης, 2013