Learning Outcomes
The students are expected at the end of the course to be able to:
1. Understand the main points within a chapter of any textbook they have to teach.
2. Organize these points in a form of an hour of teaching.
3. Organize the appropriate supporting material for presentation during teaching.
4. Plan a discussion with the students about the results and conclusions reached after the teaching is finished.
5. Answer any simple question put forwrad by students as well as ones based on student misconceptions on the topics taught.
6. Organize and setup the school lab room.
7. Organize the appropriate experiments in line with the Ministry of Education requirements but not overlooking the specific conditions occurring as well as the educational outcome of the experiments.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Historical aspects of teaching and especially of teaching science.
Teaching of Chemistry in the secondary school. Description of the case of Greek high school.
Description of the main theories in the didactics of science.
Problems specific to teaching Chemistry in the secondary school.
Student misconceptions in Chemistry and methods to amend them.
The experiment in the teaching of Chemistry. Setup of the chemistry lab. Organization of the experiment in order to achieve the maximum educational result. Groups of proposed experiments for carrying out in the school laboratory.