Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course students will:
•be able to understant the role of metals in evolution of life and their significance in biological systems.
•acquire the ability for selective use of their own general knowledge in order to interpret a chemical phenomenon or a given complex process.
•be able to understand the chemical behavior of organometallic compounds and their role in industrial catalytic processes.
•be able to collect, evaluate, organize and present orally scientific information.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Evolution of Life; evolution states and homeostasis; Creation of biological systems; Redox potential and bioelements; The role of metal ions in biological systems; Uptake selection of trace elements; Trace elements in vivo. Synergistic and antagonistic effects of trace metal ions. Interaction of metals with drugs. Elements and compounds used as drugs. Coordination compounds in vivo. Bioinorganic chemistry and applications; Metalloenzymes. Ιron in vivo (metalloproteins, electron transfer, oxygen transfer, iron uptake and storage). Molybdenum in vivo. The role of molybdenum and iron in nitrogenase. Manganese in vivo and its role on the oxygen evolving complex in photosystem II.
General principles of organοmetallic chemistry. Characteristics properties of organometallic compounds. Formation of M-C bonds. Structure and reactivity of selected classes of organometallic compounds. The role of organometallic compounds in reactions with industry applications. Organic reactions catalyzed by metals. Catalytic hydrogenation and oxidation. Mo and Ru as catalysts in alkene metathesis.
Bioelements, Trace elements, Metalloenzymes, Organometallic compounds, Catalysis