Course Information
SchoolSocial Theology and Christian Culture
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate, 2nd / Postgraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter
CoordinatorChristos Filiotis-Vlachavas
Course ID60005070

Programme of Study: PPS Tmīmatos Koinōnikīs THeologías kai CΗristianikoý Politismoý (2023 kai exīs)

Registered students: 0
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS

Class Information
Academic Year2018 – 2019
Class PeriodWinter
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Total Hours39
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Scientific Area
Course Type 2011-2015
Specific Foundation / Core
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Digital Course Content
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
Learning Outcomes
The student in the framework of this course and following its successful complition will be able to: ·comprehend the operation through wich the dogmatic theaching of the church emergred within its historical contexte ·familiarised himself with the necessary intepretations which allow to compehend the processe of the developement of the christians dogmas and their integration with the experienc and life of the church ·obtein the necessary initial skills of analysing and interpreting the literally tradition related with synodic action of the ancient church · aknowledge methodological issus and chalenges arising from the fruitful dialectic between the church fathers with the important heresies, like arianism and nestorianism.
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Work autonomously
  • Work in teams
  • Be critical and self-critical
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
The period starting from the early 2nd century until the end of the Ecumenical Synods is crucial for the development of Christian doctrine. In particular, this course covers the period until the 4th Ecumenical Synod, during which period the fundamental dogmas developed, Triadological and Christological in contrast with major heresies like Arianism and Nestorianism. Doctrines, the result mainly of the Synodal Act of the Church, are aimed at ensuring the salvation of humans and the universe. The course uses as its basis the scripts and teachings of the Holy Scripture to examine the religious and cultural environment within which the Christian faith was born and developed (Judaism, Hellenic Thought, Roman Empire). Guide to teaching is undoubtedly the textual tradition of the Church which originates from the Old and New Testament and then continues with the Apostolics and Apologists fathers, with Saint Ireneus of Lyon, saint Athanasius the Great, the Cappadocians fathers, Cyril of Alexandria… Outline of Lectures (Syllabus): 1) General introduction: a) definition of dogma b) concept, character and method of the history of dogmas. The environment in which the Christian faith developed (Jewish World, Greek tradition, imperium romanum) 2. Christian Revelation and History. Bible, Church, Tradition. 3) The person and the Kerygma of Christ (John, Apostolic Fathers, Apologists). 4) Early distortions of christian doctrinal teaching (Gnosticism and dualistic systems). The theological contribution of St. Irenaeus. 5) The trinitarian doctrine during the first three centuries. Monarchianism. Reacting against Monarchianism - Origen. 6) The phenomenon of Arianism. The theology of Arius. Degradation of Arianism. Pneumatomachs. 7) Ecclesiastical and theological treatment of Arianism. The Triadology fathers of the fourth century (Athanasius, Cappadocian fathers). 8) Synodal act of the Church to deal with Arianism: The symbol of Nicaea-Constantinople. 9) The Christological doctrine - Antiochian and Alexandrian Christological format. Apollinarius. 10) Christology of Theodore Mompsouest and Nestorius. Genesis of the Nestorian discord. 11) The Christology of St Cyril of Alexandria and the third Ecumenical Council. 12). The Monophysitism of Eutychs and how to deal. The Fourth Ecumenical Council. 13. Chalcedon Faith and the implications of the Christological dogma.
Dogme, Revelation, Tradition, Oecumenical Synods, Heresies, Monarchianism, Arianism, Nesorianism, Monophysisme.
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Book
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
Course Organization
Reading Assigment49
Written assigments10
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Exam with Extended Answer Questions (Summative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. ΣΚΟΥΤΕΡΗ Κ., Ιστορία Δογμάτων. Τόμος Β´, Εκδ. Επιμέλεια Διαφημηστική Α. Ε., Αθήνα 2004. 2. ΜΑΡΤΖΕΛΟΥ Γ., Ιστορία της Ορθόδοξης Θεολογίας και Πνευματικότητας, Πανεπιστημιακές Σημειώσεις.
Additional bibliography for study
1. DANIELOU J., Histoire des Doctrines Chretiennes avant Nicée, 2 Vol., Paris 1958-1961. 2. EVDOKIMOV P., Το Άγιο Πνεύμα στην Ορθόδοξη Παράδοση, Θεσσαλονίκη 1991. 3. GRILLMEIER A., Christ in Christian Tradition, A. R. Mowbray 1965. 4. ΚΑΛΟΓΗΡΟΥ Ο., Ιστορία Δογμάτων. Τόμος Α´-B´, Θεσσαλονίκη 1984-1985. 5. ΚΑΛΟΓΗΡΟΥ Ο., Το Τριαδικόν Δόγμα κατά τον Δ´αιώνα, Θεσσαλονίκη 1969. 6. HANSON R. P. C., The Search of the Christian Doctrine of God, Edinburg 1988. 7. KELLY J., Early Christian Doctrines, London 1968. 8. LOSSKY V., Η Μυστική Θεολογία της Ανατολικής Εκκλησίας, Θεσσαλονίκη 1991. 9. ΜΑΓΙΕΝΤΟΡΦ Ι., Βυζαντινή Θεολογία, Αθήνα 2010. 10. ΜΑΡΤΖΕΛΟΥ Γ., Γένεση και Πηγές του Όρου της Χαλκηδόνας. Συμβολή στην Ιστορικοδογματική Διερεύνηση του Όρου της Δ´Οικουμενικής Συνόδου, Θεσσαλονίκη 1986. 11. PELIKAN J., Development of Christian Doctrine: Some Historical Prolegomena, New Haven 1969. 12. PELIKAN J., The Christian Tradition. A History of the Development of Doctrine, vol 1: The Emergence of the Catholique Tradition (100-600), Chicago 1971. 13. ΦΟΥΓΙΑ Μ. (Μητρ. Πισιδίας), Το Ελληνικό Υπόβαθρο του Χριστιανισμού, Αθήνα 1992. 14. PRESTIGE G., God in Patristic Thought, London 1957. 15. ΣΚΟΥΤΕΡΗ Β., Ιστορία Δογμάτων. Τόμος Α´, Εκδ. Επιμέλεια Διαφημηστική Α. Ε., Αθήνα 1998. 16. ΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΥ Α., Εισαγωγή εις την Ιστορίαν των Δογμάτων, εν Αθήναις 1962. 17. ΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΥ Α., Ιστορία Δογμάτων I-II, εν Αθήναις 1963. 18. TORRANCE TH., The Trinitarian Faith. The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church, Edinburg 1988. 19. WOLFSON H., The Philosophy of the Greek Fathers. Vol. 1: Faith, Trinity, Incarnation, Cambridge 1956.
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