Learning Outcomes
The course aims at transferring integrated and simultaneously targeted knowledge to the kinetics of chemical and biochemical processes. The basic nature of this knowledge outlines the scope of applications in enzymatic and non-enzymatic processes. Since kinetics is a key factor of understanding a multitude of catalytic processes in research and industry, the deepening and consolidation of the principles that govern it are the cornerstones of developing critical thinking in the investigation of (bio) chemical (anti) actions. The combination of theoretical knowledge, applications in chemical engineering and simulation of chemical kinetic reactions through modeling constitute an integrated experience for the graduate student in (bio) chemical engineering
Course Content (Syllabus)
Reaction properties
i) The kinetic versus thermodynamic approach
ii) The driving force for single-molecule interactions
iii) The reaction order. Relationship between the apparent and intrinsic order of a reaction
(iv) Reaction rate and rate constants
2. Equations and analysis of rate data
i. Chemical Reaction Stoichiometry and Conversion
ii. Kinetic expressions
iii. Parallel - Sequential reactions
iv. Experimental kinetics studies of chemical reactions
3. Catalytic reaction kinetics
i. Catalyst types and characteristics
ii. Kinetic patterns of heterogeneous catalytic reactions
iii. Intrinsic and overall rate expressions
iv. Kinetics of catalytic heterogeneous reactions
2. Enzymes as biocatalysts
3. The acid-base biochemistry in enzyme kinetics
4. Enzyme activation and inhibition. Effect of pH
5. Reaction mechanisms
i) Structural and kinetic approaches
ii) The kinetics of catalysts versus non-catalyzed reactions
(iii) Methods of processing enzymatic kinetics
6. Enzymatic versus non-enzymatic catalysis
(i) Kinetic analysis: distribution experiments, the decisive step of the reaction
ii) The biochemistry of amino acids at active enzyme sites
(iii) Relationships between Binding, Specificity, and Speed of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions
7. Simulation of chemical kinetic reactions
kinetics, chemical reaction, biochemical reaction, reactor, enzyme, catalyst, reaction rate
Additional bibliography for study
Σχεδιασμός των Χημικών Αντιδραστήρων-Τόμος 1 , Κ. Κυπαρισσίδης, 2008
Mηχανική Χημικών Αντιδράσεων και Σχεδιασμός Αντιδραστήρων, Η. Scott Fogler
(ελληνική μετάφραση, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, Εκδόση 2009)
Ετερογενείς Καταλυτικές Αντιδράσεις και Αντιδραστήρες,
Ξ. Βερύκιος, Εκδόσεις Κωσταράκη Πάτρα 2004
Μηχανική Χημικών Διεργασιών, Οctave Levenspiel, (ελληνική μετάφραση,
Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα 2011)