Learning Outcomes
1) Acquaintance of basic knowledge in relation to legal rules governing international trade relationships. 2) Familiarization with judicial resolution of international trade disputes. 3) Familiarization with extrajudicial (alternative) ways of international dispute resolution (arbitration, mediation).
Course Content (Syllabus)
1) Object of the Law of International Transactions. 2) Sources of the Law of International Transactions. 3) The law applicable to legal entities engaged in international trade. 4) The law applicable to certain types of contractual and extracontractual obligations (EU Regulations "Rome I" and "Rome II"). 5) International sales contracts from a trade and bank point of view. 6) Judicial resolution of international commercial disputes. 7) International commercial arbitration. 8) Cross-border Mediation.
Law of International Transactions, international contracts, judicial dispute resolution of trade disputes, international commercial arbitration, cross-border mediation.