Learning Outcomes
The students will have the framework of public administratiion and especcialy the rules of the Constitution and legislation about the status of civil servants and the status of professors in the universities . The aim of this lesson is to develop the ability of the students to describe, to analyse, to evaluate the provisions and the actual situtation in the fields of public administration and universities. The development of critical and analitycal way of thinking is the most important issue for the young students and for this reason must be used all the neccesary tools.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Description and critical analysis: α) of the constitutional and legislative provisions for the status of civil servants and professors of universities, b) of the organistation and the functions of public administration and public education, c) of the problematic sides of the corp of civil servants from the aspect of organisational theory and political theory
constitution, legislation, pubic servants, universities, administration, efficiency, organisation, functions