Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the student:
1. Will know the basic principles relative to the interdisciplinary examination of contemporary issues regarding Pastoral Ministry, Canon Law and Liturgics.
2. Will be able to utilize the ancient catechetical texts in a contemporary setting.
3. Will understand the theology, history, and canonical legislature pertaining to the sacraments of baptism, matrimony, ordination and confession.
4. Will be able to distinguish the monastic institutions as well as the relationship between monasteries and parishes within the ecclesiastical structure.
Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Introduction. Principles of the interdisciplinary examination of canonico-liturgical / pastoral issues (1.5 hours)
2. Christian initiation (9 hours)
2.1. Catechesis (3 hours)
2.1.1. Ancient Catechetical literature (Ambrose of Milan, Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Gregory of Nyssa)
2.1.2. The contemporary catechesis of children and adults
2.2. The Mystery of Baptism (6 hours)
2.2.1. The theology of Baptism
2.2.2. History and liturgical development of the rite
2.2.3. Baptism in the canonical tradition
2.2.4. Baptism: Pastoral Issues
3. Confession (6 hours)
3.1. Exomologetaria and the pseudo-canonical tradition
3.2. Prayers of confession
3.3. The theology of spiritual fatherhood
3.4. The interface of confession, psychoanalysis and psychological counseling
4. Monasticism (6 hours)
4.1. Institutions of monastic life – Foundation Documents and Testaments
4.2. Canonical consequences of monastic tonsure
4.3. Monastery and Parish
4.4. Monastic Liturgy
5. Marriage (6 hours)
5.1. Marriage and Canon Law
5.2. The Sacrament of matrimony
5.3. Marriage and pastoral care
5.4. Contempoary challenges (i. the text of the Holy and Great Council: "The Sacrament of Marriage and its Impediments" and ii) the second marriage of clergymen)
6. Priesthood (6 hours)
6.1. Canonical presuppositions for ordination
6.2. The Sacrament of Priesthood
6.3. Order of ordination
6.4. The priest as pastor
7. Semester review (1.5 hours)
8. Presentation of term papers (3 hours)
Canon Law, Pastoral Care, Liturgics, Marriage, Priesthood, Monasticism, Baptism, Confession