Learning Outcomes
• discuss the relationship between prehistoric archaeology, ethnoarchaeology and experimental archaeology
• study the contribution of ethnography and social anthropology for the understanding of cultural change
• deal comprehensively with specific ethnoarchaeological case-studies carried out in Greece during the last decades
Course Content (Syllabus)
The aim of the seminar is to discuss the multifaceted relationship between prehistoric archaeology, ethnoarchaeology and experimental archaeology. Moreover, to study the contribution of ethnography and social anthropology for the understanding of prehistoric cultural change. Questions such as if and how the ethnographic present can help the understanding of the archaeological past will be systematically addressed. Finally, specific ethnoarchaeological case-studies which were carried out in Greece during the last decades will be examined and presented by the participants
Additional bibliography for study
• Binford, L 1978. Nunamiut Ethnoarchaeology. Academic Press.
• Chang, C 1992. Archaeological landscapes. The Ethnoarchaeology of Pastoral Land Use in the
Grevena Province of Greece. In Rissignol, J and Wandsnider, L (eds) Space, Time and
Archaeological Landscapes, New York, 65.
• Coles, J 1979. Experimental archaeology. London.
• Dimen, M and Friedl, E (eds) 1976. Regional variation in Modern Greece and Cyprus: Toward a
Perspective on the Ethnography of Greece. N.Y.
• Ευστρατίου, Ν 2002. Εθνοαρχαιολογικές αναζητήσεις στα Πομακοχώρια της Ροδόπης
• Gould, R (ed) 1978. Explorations in Ethnoarchaeology.
• Kramer, C (ed) 1979. Ethnoarchaeology. New York.