Course Content (Syllabus)
A. Latest heretic Eschatology.Teaching and refutation on the basis of tradition and doctrines of the Orthodox Church.
The course is organized in the following thirteen thematic areas:
i. The ancient Millennialism
ii. The Millennialism in West Middle Ages.
iii. The Protestant Eschatology and the Millennialistic beliefs in the years of Reformation
iv. The Eschatology according to the Seventh Day Adventism
v. The Eschatology according to the Jehovah’s Witnesses (I)
vi. The Eschatology according to the Jehovah’s Witnesses (II)
vii. Millennialism, pre-Millennialism, post-Millennialism (I)
viii. Millennialism, pre-Millennialism, post-Millennialism (II)
ix. The Dispensationalism
x. The Dispensationalism and the Pentecostal movement
xi. Heretic Eschatology doctrines in Greece
xii. Critisism on the Eschatologic doctrines in light of the Orthodox doctrine (I)
xiii. Critisism on the Eschatologic doctrines in light of the Orthodox doctrine (II)
heretic Eschatology, Millennialism, pre-Millennialism, post-Millennialism
Additional bibliography for study
1.Πρωτ. Αντ. Αλεβιζόπουλου, Εγχειρίδιο Αιρέσεων και Παραχριστιανικών ομάδων, εκδ. Διάλογος - ΠΕΓ, Αθήνα 1994.
2)Ανδρεα Θεοδώρου, Ἡ περΊ Χιλιασμοῦ δοξασία ἐν τῇ Ἀρχαία Ἐκκλησία, Ἐν Ἀθήναις 1962.
3).Emannuel Hirsch, Hilfsbuch zum Studium der Dogmatik,Berlin 19644
4)Charles C.Rulie, Dispensationalism, Chicago 1995.
5)Kurt Hutten, Seher- Grübler- Enthusiasten, Stuttgart 196610
6) Antony Hoekema, The Four Major Cults, The Paternoster Press, Grand Rapids 1963
7) Gordon Melton, Encyclopedic Handbook of Cults in America, Revised and Updaten Edition, Carland Publishing, Inc. New York & London 1992
8) R. Hempelmann u.a. (Hrsg) Panorama der neuen Religiosität, Gütersloh 20052
9) H. Krech - M. Kleininger (Hrsg), Handbuch Religiöse Gemeinschaftern und Weltanschauungen, Gütersloh 20066
10) H. Baer - H. Gasper - J. Müller - J. Sinabell (Hrsg), Lexikon neureligiöser Gruppen Szenen und Weltanschauungen, Herder, Freiburg - Basel - Wien 2005.
11) Πρωτ.Βασ. Γεωργόπουλου, Η Εσχατολογία των Αντβεντιστών της Εβδόμης Η μέρας, Θεσσα -λονικη 2012