Greek Epigraphy

Course Information
TitleΕλληνική Επιγραφική / Greek Epigraphy
CodeΙΑΕ 701
SchoolHistory and Archaeology
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter/Spring
Course ID600015970

Programme of Study: PMS stīn Istorikī Éreuna 2024-2025

Registered students: 0
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
Archaías Ellīnikīs kai Rōmaïkīs IstoríasElective CoursesWinter/Spring-15

Class Information
Academic Year2018 – 2019
Class PeriodWinter
Faculty Instructors
Class ID
Course Type 2021
Specific Foundation
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
  • English (Instruction, Examination)
General Prerequisites
Good knowledge of ancient Greek
Learning Outcomes
1. Familiarity with the edition and study of epigraphic texts. 2. Understanding of the importance of the study of inscriptions as historical sources.
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Work autonomously
  • Work in teams
  • Work in an international context
  • Work in an interdisciplinary team
  • Generate new research ideas
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
Greek and Latin Epigraphy: The aim of the seminar is to examine the contribution of inscriptions to the study of ancient Greek and Roman history on the basis of selected Greek and Latin inscriptions. Special sections will be devoted to: (a) the writing systems in Greece before the adoption and adaptation of the Phoenician alphabet; (b) “the culture of writing”: the alphabet and the consequences of its use; (c) the history of epigraphic research; (d) the methodology of reading, restoring and interpreting inscriptions; (e) the categories of inscriptions (laws, decrees, royal edicts, imperial letters, votive inscriptions, funerary inscriptions, etc.); (f) the contribution of epigraphic sources to the study of the institutions, society, religion, historical geography, etc. of ancient history (Greek and Roman). In order to familiarise students with the inscribed monuments, visits and in situ research will be carried out in museums. Week 1: Sources of ancient Greek history - Epigraphy: Definition. Week 2: The History of epigraphic research. Week 3: Greek Writing - The Culture of Writing. Week 4: Methods and tools for the study and publication of inscriptions. Week 5: Visit to the epigraphic collection of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Week 6: Visit to the epigraphic collection of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Week 7: Categories of inscriptions – An overview Week 8: Public Inscriptions 1 Week 9: Public Inscriptions 2 Week 10: Private inscriptions 1 Week 11: Private inscriptions 2 Week 12: Presentation of projects by the students Week 13: Presentation of projects by the students Week 14: Overall assessment of the role of inscriptions as historical sources.
Ancient Greek History, Roman History, Epigraphy.
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
  • Book
  • Fotos and squeezes of Inscriptions
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Laboratory Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
  • Use of ICT in Student Assessment
Use of Powerpoint and of electronic databases.
Course Organization
Reading Assigment150
Field trips and participation in conferences / seminars / activities30
Written assigments150
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Assignment (Summative)
  • Performance / Staging (Summative)
Additional bibliography for study
Ι. ΒΙΒΛΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟΙ ΟΔΗΓΟΙ L’Αnnée Philologique Παρίσι 1928 κἑ. (λήμματα: épigraphie grecque-épigraphie latine). Fr. Bérnard et al. Guide de l’épigraphiste. Bibliographie choisie des épigraphies antiques et médiévales, Guides et Inventaires Bibliographiques 7, Παρίσι 20104. Πρβ. i) J. Bodel, «Appendix. A Brief Guide to some Standard Collections», στό: J. Bodel (ἐκδ.), Epigraphic Evindence. Ancient History from Inscriptions, Λονδίνο-Νέα Ὑόρκη 2001, 153-174. ii) Chr. Bruun, «The Major Corpora and Epigraphic Publications», στο: C. Bruun & J. Edmondson (εκδ.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, Ὀξφόρδη 2015, 66-77. IΙ. ΠΑΡΟΥΣΙΑΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΚΑΤ’ ΕΤΟΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΜΕΝΩΝ ΕΠΙΓΡΑΦΩΝ Bull.épigr.: Bulletin épigraphique, Παρίσι 1888 κἑ. [παράρτημα τῆς Reveu des Études Grecques (REG)]. SEG: Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden 1923 κἑ. Ann.épigr.: Année épigraphique, Paris 1911 κε. [παρουσιάζονται οἱ ἐπιγραφὲς τῶν ρωμαϊκῶν χρόνων]. ΙΙΙ. ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΙΚΕΣ ΜΕΛΕΤΕΣ - ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΑ [ΕΠΙΛΟΓΗ] J. Bodel (ἐκδ.), Epigraphic Evindence. Ancient History from Inscriptions, Λονδίνο-Νέα Ὑόρκη 2001. Μ. Guarducci, Ἡ Ἑλληνικὴ Ἐπιγραφική. Ἀπὸ τὶς Ἀπαρχὲς ὡς τὴν Ὕστερη Αὐτοκρατορικὴ ἐποχή (μτφ. Κ. Κουρεμένος, ἐποπ./βιβλιογρ. ἐνημέρωση Σ. Ἀνεζίρη/Χ. Κριτζᾶς/Κ. Μπουραζέλης), ΜΙΕΤ, Ἀθήνα 2008. B. H. McLean, An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods from Alexander the Great down to the Reign of Constantine (323 B.C.-A.D. 337), Ann Arbor 2002. G. Petzl, «Ἐπιγραφική», στό: Heinz-Günther Nesselrash (ἐπιμ.), Εἰσαγωγὴ στὴν Ἀρχαιογνωσία, τόμος Α΄. Ἀρχαία Ἑλλάδα (ἐπιμ. Δ. Ἰ. Ἰακώβ-Ἀ. Ρεγκάκος), ἐκδ. Δ. Ν. Παπαδήμα, Ἀθήνα 2001, 74-85. L. Robert, «Ἐπιγραφική», στό: Encyclopédie de la Pléiade. Ἱστορία καὶ μέθοδοί της, τόμ. Β.2 (μτφ. Ἑ. Στεφανάκη), Ἀθήνα 1981, 17-66. Α. G. Woodhead, Ἡ μελέτη τῶν ἑλληνικῶν ἐπιγραφῶν (μτφ. Ἑ. Κουρίνου/Φλ. Πίκουλα, ἐπιμ. Γ. Ἀ. Πίκουλας), Ἰνστιτοῦτο τοῦ Βιβλίου. Ἀ. Καρδαμίτσα, Ἀθήνα 2009. ΙV. ΣΥΛΛΟΓΕΣ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΩΝ ΕΠΙΓΡΑΦΩΝ H. H. Bengtson, Die Staatsvertäge des Altertums. Die Vertäge der griechishc-römischen Welt von 700 bis 338 v.Chr., Μόναχο 1962 [= Staatsvertäge]. R. M. Errington, Die Staatsvertäge des Altertums IV. Die Verträge der griechisch-römischen Welt von ca. 200 v.Chr. bis zum Beginn der Kaiserzeit, Mόναχο 2020 [= Staatsvertäge]. S. Lambert, Inscribed Athenian Laws and Decrees 352/1-322/1 BC. Epigraphical Essays, Leiden- Boston 2012. R. Meiggs & D. Lewis, A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century B.C. Οξφόρδη 1969 [= Meiggs – Lewis, GHI]. L. Moretti, Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche I-II Φλωρεντία 1967-1976, [= Moretti, ISE] R. Osborne & P.J. Rhodes, Greek Historical Inscriptions, 478-404 B.C., Οξφόρδη 2017 [ = Osborne - Rhodes, GHI]. P. J. Rhodes with the late D. M. Lewis, The Decrees of the Greek States, Οξφόρδη 1997 [= Rhodes, Decrees]. P. J. Rhodes & R. Osborne, Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 BC, Οξφόρδη 2003 [ = Rhodes - Osborne, GHI]. H. H. Schmitt, Die Staatsvertäge des Altertums. Die Vertäge der griechishc-römischen Welt von 338 bis 200 v.Chr., Μόναχο 1969 [= Staatsvertäge]. M. N. Tod, A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions I-II, Οξφόρδη 1933-1948 [= Tod, GHI].
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